Confidential Intake Form

Living Waters Naturopathic
Dr. Sandra Dean, ND MH CNHP
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Email *
Last Name, First Name *
Address *
Gender (Biological)
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Birthdate *
Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number *
Emergency Contact Relationship *
PLace of Birth (City, Country) *
Marital Status
Clear selection
Number of Children
Females: Are you menopausal or peri-menopausal?
 Females: When was your last period?
Females: Do you currently use Hormone Replacement Therapy or Hormonally-Based Contraception?
Clear selection
Females: If Yes, How long?
Females: Are you now nursing, pregnant or planning to become pregnant?
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Males: Select any of the following issues in the past year:
When were you last prescribed antibiotics?
When is the last time you were vaccinated?
Have you previously or are you currently scheduled to / receiving any of the COVID-19 vaccinations? *
Have you had COVID-19?
Clear selection
If Yes, do you have any post-viral symptoms?
Average daily energy level?
Clear selection
Have you been diagnosed with any disease by a medical doctor? Please explain.
List medications that you are currently taking.
List Supplements taken daily.
Have you had any surgeries? What was the date, and reason for surgery.
What are your top three health concerns for this visit? *
Briefly describe what steps you have taken to address the above issues. *
On average how often do you drink water?
Clear selection
What is the primary type of water that you drink?
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How many times per week do you exercise? (elevated heart rate, and sweating)
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What types of exercise do you do? *
Are you currently following a specific diet? *
Do you have any known food allergies? *
How many bowel movement eliminations per day? *
Check the foods you often consume on a daily basis. *
What do you crave? *
What are your favorite foods? *
Do you use any recreational drugs? *
How many alcoholic drinks per week? *
How much time do you spend with family and friends? *
On average how many hours of sleep do you get per night? *
What time do you normally go to bed? *
Check any that apply *
How much daily stress (1 = Lowest 10 = Highest)
Clear selection
Do you feel pain upon waking up in the mornings? Explain. *
Are you currently experiencing any discomfort? Explain. *
If yes, please rate your discomfort.
Clear selection
What have you done or used to provide support/relief? *
Do you currently receive regular care from any of the following *
Describe your expectations for this visit *
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