Number of Fibers Burns (UOM is number of splicing machine fusion sequences, not the number of fiber strands)
Your answer
Aerial Cases/Enclosures Spliced Each
Your answer
Aerial Cases/Enclosures Spliced Burns
Number of Fibers Burns (UOM is number of splicing machine fusion sequences, not the number of fiber strands)
Your answer
Aerial Terminals Tested
Test/Prep (No Splicing Completed)
Your answer
Aerial Terminals Prepped
Test/Prep (No Splicing Completed)
Your answer
Buried Pedestals/Hand holes Spliced Each
Your answer
Buried Pedestals/Hand holes Spliced Burns
Number of Fibers Burns (UOM is number of splicing machine fusion sequences, not the number of fiber strands)
Your answer
Buried Cases/Enclosures Spliced Each
Your answer
Buried Cases/Enclosures Spliced Burns
Buried Cases/Enclosures Spliced Each
Your answer
Buried Terminals Tested
Test/Prep (No Splicing Completed)
Your answer
Buried Terminals Prepped
Test/Prep (No Splicing Completed)
Your answer
Job Comments
Your answer
Meter Reading Photo Reminder *
Make sure to submit a picture for this job with a visible light reading to Pictures must be submitted on the same day that the job is completed and must have a visible light reading. An example photo is shown below
Example Meter Photo
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