2024 Altar Flower Donation
We are taking reservations for this year's Altar Flowers!

Many people have special days during the year which they commemorate. Flowers on the altar of St. Luke's Church can mark the anniversary of a birth, baptism, confirmation, marriage, death, or be used as an expression of joy of thanksgiving at any time.

When flowers are given in thanksgiving or as a memorial,  an announcement printed in the Sunday bulletin.

You can make a donation of $75 for Altar Flowers in honor, memory, or thanksgiving of friends and family members. Pick the Sunday you would like to sponsor and drop off your flower donation in the offering plate, bring it to the church office, mail it to the church, make an online payment before your selected Sunday. All submissions must be in by the Wednesday before your desired date to make our printing deadline for the Sunday bulletins.

If you are donating for multiple Sundays please fill out two forms - you can combine the payment when you send it into the office. Multiple dedications can be received for a Sunday to allow everyone in the congregation to honor their loved ones and family celebrations.
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Desired Date *
This gift is given: *
In Memory of:
In Honor of:
In Thanksgiving for:
Online Payment - Please Choose Flower Revenue Fund.
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