Switch Hitter Feedback Form

Thank you so much for playing through Switch Hitter! I would absolutely love to hear any feedback you have, positive or negative. You're free to give me that feedback any way you like but, if you prefer more structure, here are some particular questions I'd be interested in hearing your answers to.

* Did you encounter any fundamental issues (e.g. keyboard, sound, etc.) during play?
* How long did you play? How far did you get?
* Generally, did you have fun?
* What were your favorite parts of playing? What were your least favorite parts?
* How did the platforming (e.g. jumping, riding on platforms) feel?
* How did the projectile system (e.g. grabbing, throwing, launching) feel?
* Was it too easy? Too hard?
* Did the music get repetitive? What about the sound effects?
* Did you notice anything that seemed like a bug?
* Do you have any other thoughts on the game?

Again, thanks a ton for playing and taking the time to fill this out!

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