Youth Justice Advocate Application 2024-25
The Young Women's Project (YWP) is recruiting 50 Youth Justice Advocates from all DC  high schools to work on issue campaigns that will expand sexual health education and services, improve school safety, increase school-based mental health services, and increase youth workforce opportunities. YWP is a DC nonprofit that builds the leadership and power of young people so that they can transform DC institutions to expand rights and opportunities for DC youth.

Youth Advocates must be available 2 days a week after-school from 4:15-6:45 for a minimum of 2 full semesters. Youth Advocates are paid $10-$17 an hour depending on experience and time commitment. Click this link for a full Youth Advocate Job Description

If you are interested in this position:
Step 1: Fill out the application below – takes15 minutes. Deadline for the Spring application is 3.31.2025!
Step 2: Attend a virtual zoom orientation meeting. We will reach out to you to schedule a zoom meeting! 
Step 3: Finalists will start the program on 10.14.

Once we get your application, we will email to schedule an interview (so please check your email!). If you have questions in the meantime, please contact or (or text at 202.215.0679). If you want more information on our work, check out our Instagram or website at Thank you for your application. We will be in touch soon!
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