BTD Chapter Director Application
Break The Divide is a Non-Profit Organization that creates change in the world through individuals’ passions, inspired by personal connection.

We’d like to thank you for your interest in starting a chapter of Break The Divide Foundation in your community!

Before starting a chapter it's essential that we know a few things about you. Please fill out this short application to be considered to be a director of a Break The Divide Foundation chapter.

Responsibilities of Directors:
- Start a BTD Chapter at your own school / in your own community
- Build your own team of dedicated individuals
- Manage and host your own BTD events within your region
- Respond to Facebook/Email quickly to allow for swift communication among Directors
- Help other directors with their events if and when needed
- Invite friends to like our Facebook Page and follow our Instagram Page
- Maintain professionalism when dealing with the public

Before completing this form, be sure to connect with our platform. Follow @breakthedivide on Instagram and Facebook.
Visit to learn more about us and the action we take.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Full Name: *
 Level of Education (as of April 2019) *
City, Country (Ex. Toronto, Canada) *
School Name
How did you hear about Break The Divide? *
Why do you want to start a BTD Chapter in your community? *
What do you think is the greatest issue affecting your community / society today? Why? *
How can Break The Divide address this issue? *
Do you have any skills or knowledge that could be beneficial for BTD? (Example: Photography, Film, Musical Instruments, Sports, Graphics, Art, Advertising, Indigenous Knowledge, Public Speaking etc.) *
What's the best way to reach out to you? If you choose Skype, Facebook, or Instagram, or Other please enter in your Username or Contact Info below. *
Please write the contact(s) you've selected above so we can get in touch with you. Ex. @breakthedivide, 604-xxx-xxx or
Please email us your resume at with the subject "BTD Executive Team Application".
Any Questions? Feel free to email us at or message us on Facebook (Break The Divide) or Instagram (@breakthedivide).
Start a Chapter and Break The Divide Today!
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