Locally Led Conservation Survey & Northwest Zone Public Local-Led Conservation Meeting
The Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Franklin, Grand Isle, and Lamoille County Conservation Districts are seeking your ideas to focus our outreach activities and cost share programs over the next year in the Northwest Zone of Vermont.

We hope to incorporate the goals and needs of residents into developing priorities for program direction and funding. To do this, we need your help in deciding which environmental concerns, along with their appropriate solutions, are most important in each of our counties. This survey is open to all residents, farmers, farm workers, forest owners, loggers, recreators, and resource professionals.

Your feedback will be considered by regional professionals in natural resources management and agriculture, and incorporated into the NRCS's ranking system for awarding financial assistance to producers.

You may check more than one box for each question. Please complete the survey at your leisure.

We also hope to learn more about what matters to you in Northwest Vermont - recreation, aesthetics, agricultural economy - tell us what you think!

An email address is being requested so a receipt of your completed survey will be sent to you following submission.  

The information from this survey will remain anonymous. If you elect to have us contact you towards the end of the survey, we will use your contact information for only that purpose and will not associate your information with the survey responses. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Which county are you completing this form for? 
What land uses and water systems are you concerned about?
What categories of issues are you concerned about across the landscape?
If you're familiar with NRCS practices, which of the following practices are a priority on land you manage or provide assistance for? To learn more about the practices list, click here: https://tinyurl.com/ConservationPractices. If you are not familiar with these practices, feel free to skip to the next question. 
If you have ever applied for funding from NRCS or another Agency related to a farm practice or clean water project, what happened?
Would you like more information or technical assistance from your Conservation District? Or would you like to be added to your Conservation District's newsletter or email list?
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If YES, please provide your name and contact info (mail, email, phone number, etc.)
What topics would you like more information or assistance on?
We ask these next questions to better understand our respondents. If you would like us to follow up with you based on your answers above, please make sure you have provided your name and contact information at the top of this page. This information will remain confidential and used only for these purposes.
What type of work do you do on the land? *
If you answered any type of Farming or Forestry in the question above, how long have you been on the land in that way:
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How did this survey reach you?
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Is there anything else you'd like to share?
Thank you for your thoughts & time! Please press submit.
If you have questions or comments, please contact your Conservation District:

Franklin County NRCD
Lauren Weston, District Manager


Lamoille County NRCD
Peter Danforth, District Manager

Grand Isle County NRCD
Molly Varner, District Manager

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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