Missouri FWB Youth Leaders
The Missouri FWB Youth Board is seeking to build a database of every church to know who their youth leader is and the demographics of their church to help us better serve the teens and leaders of our state. Will you take a few moments to fill out this form regarding your church?
Church Name *
Church Location *
Pastor's Name *
Your Name *
Your Role *
Phone number *
Email *
What is the average attendance of your church on Sundays? *
How many students are in your youth ministry to teenagers? Please tell how many, and how you divide your age group (7th-12th grade/6th-12th grade/Middle School and High School, etc.) *
How many students are in your children's ministry (Those NOT in your youth group age)? *
Which of the following events is your church a part of in the state of Missouri? *
Would you like more information about the upcoming Youth Leader's Training (Recharge) in Branson, MO April 26-27? *
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