Rock Hill Senior Pastor Profile Congregational Survey
The Senior Pastor Selection Committee of Rock Hill Baptist Church would like you to give this matter your prayerful and thorough attention. You are the church. We desire your insight into the selection of our next senior pastor. This will help us in the work you have tasked us with! Please email with any questions you may have.
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Are you currently a member of Rock Hill Baptist Church in Brownsboro, TX? *
How much pastoral experience should our new pastor have? *
While age should not be the primary factor, approximately what age pastor do you feel our church should seek at this time?  *
What educational qualifications should our new pastor have? *
A pastor has many important responsibilities. While he ought to be interested in each of the following, which do you feel should receive most of his time? Please choose five.  *
Which of these should receive the least amount of his time? Please choose two. *
What do you feel is the most important quality our new senior pastor should possess? Feel free to include your thoughts about other characteristics you would like to have in a pastor. 
If you would like to submit a name(s) for the committee's prayerful consideration, please email resumes to
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