Best of HOME STAGING Nominations - Deadline is July 17, 2020
Submittals must be for those who own and operate Home Staging and/or Design Businesses, and physically Stage properties with in person or e-consultations, hands-on Staging and/or vacant home staging.  
NOTE: Virtual Staging will not recognized or included in this recognition.
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Email *
What is Your Name? *
Who are you Nominating for Industry Recognition? *
What is THEIR email address?  We need this to be able to share with them they were nominated. *
What is THEIR Company Name? *
What is THEIR City *
What is THEIR State/Province? *
What is THEIR Country? *
CATEGORY:  BEST OF HOME STAGING - STAGING EXCELLENCE  Why does this person deserve to be recognized in this category? Be Specific and include links to nominee's work and results they have achieved.
CATEGORY:  BEST OF HOME STAGING - CLIENT CARE EXCELLENCE.  Why does this person deserve to be recognized for Client Care Excellence?  Be Specific and include client testimonials.
CATEGORY:  BEST OF HOME STAGING - INDUSTRY LEADERSHIP.  Why does this person deserve to be recognized for Industry Leadership?  Be Specific about where they serve the industry in a Leadership Role and include testimonials if you have them.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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