5PM Porch Volunteer Form

An important part of 5PM’s mission is to create community. We fulfill this value through our community events. In the past we’ve hosted program pot lucks, jam sessions, and public concerts. However, to make all this happen a lot of people need to be involved. This is why we are reaching out to community to ask for help! If you are interested in giving back to the program, you can sign up below.

We’re asking for help with set-up and breakdown of equipment, outreach to families, the fundraising committee, marketing (graphic design, social media outreach, etc...), and sometimes just an offer to bring a meal to one of our events!

We greatly appreciate all the help we can get, and we look forward to seeing you!

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What is your name?
What is your child's name?
What is your email address?
What is your cell number for text messages?
Please select the ways you are interested in volunteering.
Do you know a business that may be willing to support 5PM Porch with donations? If so, please provide more information!
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