Mood Board Inspired Character Design
A mood board is a type of visual presentation or 'collage' consisting of images, text, and samples of objects in a composition. It can be based on a set topic or can be any material chosen at random. A mood board can be used to convey a general idea or feeling about a particular topic.

Once the form is filled out and everything looks good, I will get in contact you through the provided email with a final quote.  If you agree to the price, I will send an invoice.  Once it is paid for, I will start working!
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Your Name *
Your Email Address *
Your DeviantArt Username
Your FurAffinity Username
I Would Like... *
Coloring Styles
What coloring stye would you like? *
Character name *
(think about it like parents naming their baby before it's born)
If Other is chosen, what gender would you like?
Note:  I do not draw obvious herms for fetish purposes, but trans characters are fine.
Generic Species *
Provide a link to a mood board you would like me to use. *
Make sure you have permission to use it!
Double Check! *
Is all information correct?
Digital Signature *
Type your real, full name.
I am ready for the commission and I understand that payment is due within 48 hours of the invoice being sent.  (Please don't submit this form if you are not ready to start this commission right away) *
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