Leadership Livingston 2019-2020
Leadership Livingston is a series of sessions designed to expand the community leadership potential existing in Livingston County. The program was initiated by Cleary University and the Brighton and Howell Chambers of Commerce in 1992, and modeled after similar leadership development programs operating successfully across the country. It is designed to bring together individuals with diverse backgrounds and experience who have demonstrated a talent for and a commitment to leadership. Through Leadership Livingston, these individuals have an exceptional opportunity to become familiar with the dynamics of today’s social and economic changes, and the impact these changes have on our community. Through discussions with community leaders, experts, and fellow classmates, participants develop an in-depth understanding of the interrelationships and complexities of the current county scene. Through planned interactive experiences, the participants increase their knowledge of important issues and their communication and problem-solving skills.

All sessions are held at Cleary University in Howell, or at community locations relating to the topic. Sessions begin with a two-day retreat in October, then monthly, November through May, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Prior to applying, each applicant should discuss the time commitment with their sponsor/employer and secure sanctioned release time. It is important for participants to attend all nine sessions. Due to the nature of the group project, if you are unable to attend a session, you will be dropped from the program..

Aside from the regularly scheduled program, participants will gain actual experience by taking part in a community leadership project. This active involvement enriches the leadership experience. In May, each group will present on the outcome of their project.


To increase the number of informed, civic oriented leaders who are interested in helping direct the future of Livingston County.
To increase participants’ awareness of issues facing the county, and to become actively involved in community problem solving.
To enhance participants’ leadership skills and maximize their contribution to their communities, organizations, and employers.
To form a core of motivated leaders who are experienced at working together, communicating with others, cooperating to achieve an outcome, and involving themselves in meeting community needs.


Area businesses, public and private agencies, and civic and other organizations are asked to identify and support persons with leadership skills and/or potential for the Leadership Livingston program. To ensure broad representation of the county, we encourage applicants from business, government, and community services, as well as from the various communities within the county. Individuals may nominate themselves. Potential participants should demonstrate the following criteria:
* The commitment and motivation to learn about and serve Livingston County.
* The potential to have a significant influence on important issues facing the community.
* The ability to make the time commitment required by the program.
Application to Leadership Livingston is open to persons working or living in Livingston County. About  20 individuals will be accepted. To ensure consideration, we strongly recommend an early application.


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Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis.

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