Application: Become a Community Ambassador with IVCSD! - Spring 2025
Are you passionate about making a difference in Isla Vista? The IVCSD Community Ambassador Program is your chance to lead, learn, and connect, all while earning community service hours! Gain valuable experience, support your community, and become a catalyst for positive change. Apply now to be a part of something bigger and start making an impact today!

Important requirements: Volunteers...
  • Must be based in Isla Vista, Goleta, or Santa Barbara
  • Must be able to volunteer in-person synchronous in Isla Vista
  • Must volunteer for a minimum of 10 hours per quarter
  • Must complete two initiation trainings: a 30-minute virtual, asynchronous training, and a 30-minute in-person, synchronous training, with multiple time slots available to choose from between March 5th - March 8th
Important Dates:
  • Application due date: March 3rd, 12pm
  • Applicants will hear back by end of day March 4th
  • In-person trainings: March 5th - March 8th (you will choose one 30-minute in-person training to attend. Exact dates and times TBA)
  • Volunteer Window: Community Ambassadors can volunteer for all of Spring Quarter: March 31st - June 13th
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
What are your preferred pronouns? *
What is your email? *
Where are you based? *
Which of the following best describes you? *
If you are a student, please specify which school you attend as well as what year you are in
Why do you want to be a Community Ambassador for the Isla Vista Community Services District (IVCSD)? *
What IVCSD program or service are you most passionate about? *
Name three goals you would like to accomplish as a Community Ambassador *
Name three of your strengths *
Are there any additional accommodations you would like to request?
What is your general availability for Spring Quarter (March 31st - June 13th)? 
- Please follow this format: Day of week, times available.
**we understand that schedules may change
To bolster your application, please submit an optional one minute video describing yourself and why you would be a good fit for the program.

- Please email the video to Myah:

- Please title the subject of your email as 
"last name_first name_CAB_application"
ex: "Poppins_Mary_CAB_application"
Please check your email soon on the evening of March 4th to confirm your acceptance into CAP, and to schedule your 30-minute in-person initiation training. 

Trainings are held March 5th - March 8th. You will choose one 30-minute in-person training to attend. Exact dates and times TBA
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