Strengthening Ties: A Reflection on 200 Years of U.S.-Brazil Relations
Join the Washington Brazil Office and George Washington University's Latin American and Caribbean Studies Initiative for a conference commemorating the 200th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Brazil and the United States. To reflect on this bicentennial seminar, this event will bring together diplomats, academics, and practitioners to explore the political and economic milestones of this relation and the challenges of the future.

Date: Monday, April 22nd, 2024
Time: 1 PM - 6 PM
Location: Elliott School of International Affairs, 
Lindner Commons (Room 602)
1957 E St NW, Washington D.C. 20052 

If you plan to join us, please complete this RSVP form by Thursday, April 18th.

For any inquiries, please email 
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Will you be attending Panel 2? (3:15-5:15pm) *
Will you be attending the Reception? (5:15-6pm) *
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