Suggest a Purchase - Collection Development
Clinton College Library wants to ensure that our resources and collection are up to date. We strive to ensure that the materials we carry are beneficial for all our students, faculty, and staff.

The Library wants to work with departments to determine what resources are needed to make sure our users can utilize the library for all their academic needs.

Please use this form to request that a specific resource be added to the library collection. You may contact Keisha Parris, Director of Digital Library and Learning Commons at 803-909-8160 or with any questions, comments, or concerns that you may have.
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Please provide your information in case we have questions
Please select the category that best describes your role in relation to Clinton College. *
Your Name *
Your Email Address (Clinton College Email) *
Your Department *
What course or department does this material support? *
Please fill in as much information as possible. If we don't have it, ask us to buy it.  This request will be forwarded to the library to be considered for purchase.
Title (up to two titles may be submitted per form): *
Author/Editor/Creator/Producer: *
ISBN: (If applicable)
Is this being requested as a course reserve? *
If the answer to the previous question is yes, please state the name of the course, course code, and the professor.
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