Get Involved with KCAC
There are many ways to participate at KCAC.  Take this short survey to let the team know what interests you most.
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Email *
What is the best phone number to reach you?
Help host a First Friday Reception
Let us know which KCAC programs you're interested in helping host:
How would you like to engage the KC Public?
Let us know if you have a great place where you'd be willing to take a KCAC exhibitions poster or postcards!
Interested in helping refresh the gallery?  Don't forget your paint clothes!
Xóa lựa chọn
Want to teach a Workshop?  Let us know what you'd like to teach and we'll be in contact!
Would you like KCAC to schedule a group of area artists to come to your studio for a critique/studio visit?
Xóa lựa chọn
Xóa hết câu trả lời
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Biểu mẫu này đã được tạo ra bên trong Kansas City Artists Coalition. Báo cáo Lạm dụng