Register here for VAF i Stavanger, 7-9 mars 2025 - and help us plan well!
The West Coast clubs are getting together for the 14th time for some good times, practice and a little grading. Our community is growing and now consists of the 3 local clubs as hosts: Stavanger JuShinKan, Ki-Aikido and Imeon Stavanger, as well as Bergen Aikidoklubb, BSI Aikido, Haugesund Aikidoklubb and Kristiansand Aikidoklubb. And this year we also welcome Molde Aikido!
The deal is that each practice is lead by an instructor from one of the participating dojos, for a weekend of getting to know each other, train with others on the West Coast, and make it easier to visit each other should we find outselves in each other's town.
Preliminary Program (may be adjusted):
Fredag 7/3
19.00 – 21:00 Aikido
Lørdag 8/3
10.00-13.00 Aikido
16.00 – 17:30 rep- fra NAF teknisk komité
17:45 – 18:30 Gradering 6.-1. kyu
Kveld: Sosial sammenkomst i JuShinKan dojo’en!!
Sunday 9/3
11:00 – 14.00 Aikido
Price: 400 kr for the whole seminar, 150 kr pr 2-3 hr section
200/75 for student/ungdom/arbeidsledig
Location: Siddishallen Kampsporthall for the seminar (also called Stavanger Ishallen), 3rd floor
(park in first floor, at the very end, there is a door straight up to the back entrance - payment by ParkEasy)
Free accomodation at the JuShinKan dojo - bring only sleeping bag and pillowcase, there are mattresses here).
Amenities: showers, kitchenette with dishwasher, microwave, oven, water cooker, coffeemaker, and oven. Dojo location:
The event is supported by the NKF (Kampsportforbundet).
We will subsedize one car from each participating West Coast club, lets fill them up