Middlebury College - Language Tables

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General Information
Welcome to Language Tables. You can find information about working at LT here as well as sign up for our waitlist to be considered as waiter in the future.

Waiter positions open up at the beginning of each term and are generally available in these languages: Arabic, American Sign Language, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swahili.

Language Tables waiting is pay-level A.

During regular semesters, a full-shift starts at 11:30 am and ends at 1:30 pm, and includes a 20-minute lunch break before students arrive at 12:30. If you have class right before, you can also come for a half-shift starting at 12:20.

During J-Term, a full-shift starts at 11:45 am and ends at 1:45 pm, and also includes a 20-minute lunch break before students arrive at 12:45. A half-shift starts at 12:40.

Generally, beginning waiters get a kitchen help shift (gathering and serving food to waiters) along with a waiting shift. Kitchen help is laid-back, and is the same pay-level as waiting. It will help you settle into the routine of Language Tables.

There usually are options to get extra shifts when waiters ask for substitutions. You can always respond to other waiters’ sub-requests - or send your own when you can't make a shift due to sickness, exams, or job interviews.

Note that we attempt to schedule our waiters based on previous LT waiting experience, seniority, schedule availability, among other priorities, but Language Table Managers have full discretion of the schedule.

Please sign up for our waitlist below.

If you have any questions, please email us at languagetables@middlebury.edu.

Middlebury Email *
What's your name? *
Class Year *
When would you like to be considered for a position, in case there is an opening? *
This question tries to clarify during what semesters you are available to work.
What language(s) can you work in? *
Any language that you have taken at least a 200-level class or achieved a high level of speaking proficiency. **For languages not supported by departments (Hindi, Korean, Swahili), please note that we are looking for proficiency rather than class level
As a waiter, I understand it will be my responsibility to work the shifts I am scheduled for or otherwise find an appropriate substitute. Additionally, I will agree to take up kitchen help shifts and substitute for my fellow waiters when needed. *
Please initial here, agreeing to the terms of being an LT waiter.
Almost done
A Language Tables student manager will get in contact with you in case there is an opening for any given semester. This means you might not hear from us for a while, but your name will move up the wait-list as time goes by.

If you have any questions you can always send us an email at languagetables@middlebury.edu.

Thank you for putting your name on the wait-list!
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