oziTarget Error reporting
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Have you checked there are no Pending Windows Updates or Reboots of you PC required?
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Your name
oziTarget Version
Where to get the following information
To answer the following questions you will need your PC in front of you.  Open the settings for Windows and navigate to the SYSTEM > ABOUT section to get the required info.
Operating System
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PC architecture
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Have you checked for Windows updates and/or reboot requests?
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Have you tried any of the tips located on the oziTarget website: 

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Note on Re-installation
Removing and reinstalling oziTarget is not likely to fix an issue.  The settings and some support files will remain on the computer separate to the main oziTarget folder and will require the scorched earth approach described on the website above.

Deleting oziTarget or Oziexplorer and putting them back on again is seldom the fix you are looking for.

Installing a new version of oziTarget will write over the top of the old version and does not require removal of the old version first.  Just make sure the old version is not running when you do the update.  A reboot after install can't hurt either but should not be needed.
General situation
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Is this related to a specific tool or mode?
What were you doing when the error occurred?  Describe in detail what tools were open or in use at the time. 
If you are getting a debug message, can you please copy the text and paste it here please.
Photos and video
Photos of error messages or video of unexpected behaviour can be vital in troubleshooting an issue.

Where possible, please include a full screen capture so I can see all open oziTarget Windows and the main form layout.

Windows has screen capture tools built in using the Snipping Tool or Xbox Game Bar.  This works with both Windows 10 and 11.  More details here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/learning-center/how-to-record-screen-windows-11

Please email photos or videos to sales@ozitarget.com
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