2018 BGC End of Year Survey
As a token of thanks, one survey responder will win a 90 minute strategy session with me (BGC Boost) as a token of my gratitude and thanks!

Please answer the questions to the best of your ability. If they don't apply to you, please write N/A if they are required questions. All of your answers will be kept anonymous. If you'd like to stay anonymous, and not be entered to win a BGC Boost strategy session, simply write anonymous in those fields.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your name rockstar? *
What is your email address? *
What is your blog/business name? *
What is your blog/business URL? *
What were your TOP 3 episodes of 2018? (Episode 134 to present) *
What did BGC Podcast/Community help you to accomplish in 2018? *
Did you purchase any products or services from BGC in 2018? *
If you answered yes to the last question, what did you purchase?
If you answered no to the last question, why did you not purchase?
What products or services would you benefit from in 2019? *
What podcast topics would you like to hear about in 2019? *
What courses, conference, workshops did you invest in this year? *
How much did you spend on those investments in total? (Ballpark answer works!) *
If you didn't invest in courses, conferences or workshops in 2018, what was your reason? *
What are your top 3 goals for 2019? *
What is going to help you achieve your Top 3 goals? *
Share any other feedback or tips or suggestions to improve BGC.
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