:英文授課、中文翻譯。Teach in English with Mandarine translation.
✦ ✦ 超早鳥價 Early Birds| TWD. 36,000元 / per person。 (限於 2024/2/21 23:59 前報名及繳費完成。 )
✦ ✦ 早鳥價 Early Birds| TWD. 39,000元 / per person。 (限於 2024/3/31 23:59 前報名及繳費完成。 )
✦ ✦ 原價 Original | TWD. 42,000元 / per person。
✦ ✦ 加購 P'Jon 6月6日於台北舉辦的講座入場券 TWD. 500元 (原價899元,一人限購一張。)
【費用包含】課程講師費,課程期間的午餐、場地及材料費、保險費、行政費等。Including course fee, teacher’s flight ticket, the fee of interpretations, and simple lunches for everyday. The fee of venue use, insurance and admins, and the fee of our host for P’Jon.
🔹 餐點 |Food:課程將提供素食午餐,含五辛及菇菌,可能有奶蛋,特殊需求者請在報名欄位註記。Vegetarian lunches are included, using spices and mushrooms, may have milk and eggs, if you have any special request or need, please write in the registration form.
🔹 人數上限 |limits of people number: 25 人
*當報名人數踴躍,主辦單位保有報名審核之權力。將會依照繳費完成報名的順序錄取名額。When the enrolment is more than 25 people, PuguTaiwan has the right to select the participates from the waiting list. Admission will be done in the order of completion of registration and money transaction.
🔹【報名前請注意:退費相關】To read before your registration : Refund Policy
1. 本課程名額可轉讓給親友,請來訊討論轉讓的相關資訊。
2. 若因個人因素取消課程,在課程開始的30天前 (5月9日以前) 申請退費者,將退回50%的費用。在課程開始的7天前 (6月1日以前) 申請退費者,將退回20%的費用。
3. 課程開始的一周內 (6月2日之後) 取消課程者,恕不退費。
4. 若因天災或教師端的不可抗力因素,本課程將會延期舉辦。
As the amounts and efforts of preparation, if you are absent in the course, please read our refund policy carefully before your registration:
1. You can give your place in this course to your friend or family, please send us a message to discuss the regarding details.
2. If you have personal unresistant reason to cancel your position, you may get 50% of the whole course fee / refund before May 9 2024, you may get 20% before June 1 2024.
3. We can't offer refund for any cancelation after June 2 2024.
4. If any natural disasters or unresistant circumstance happen, this training will be postponed to a later time.