Calle de Timberos 2024 - last edition!
Online sales are over! You can buy passes and event tickets at the door to our events 🚪
In the form there is an option to rewrite the pass ‼️⬇️

Ceny / Prices:
Fullpass - 590 PLN / 149 EUR
Sobotni daypass/ saturday daypass - 290 PLN / 75 EUR
Niedzielny daypass / sunday daypass - 250 PLN / 65 EUR
Workshop pass - 360 PLN / 90 EUR
Partypass - 290 PLN / 75 EUR
Piątkowa impreza / friday party - 120 PLN / 32 EUR
Sobotnia impreza / saturday party - 140 PLN / 37 EUR
Niedzielna impreza / sunday party - 40 PLN / 11 EUR
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