Membership Application
Thanks for your interest in becoming a member of Hope City Church.  Members of Hope City Church are baptized followers of Jesus who join others in the local church to bring the hope of Jesus to greater Vancouver and beyond.

We believe Biblical membership should be meaningful, both for you and the church, so this isn’t something we take lightly. As a member, you’re making three commitments.  

1. There’s a commitment to God.  You’re affirming that you are indeed a Christian who is desiring to follow Jesus, and you’ve been baptized to publicly show your allegiance to Him.

2. You’re committed to the mission of Hope City Church.  You know our mission statement and you are playing an active part in leading people from where they are to where God wants them to be.  This also means you’re serving in a ministry, you’re financially supporting the church, and you’re helping us shape our missional community through the decisions we make at our membership meetings.

3. You are committed to growing in your faith.  No matter how long you’ve been a Christian, there are still steps you can take to become more like Christ.  As a member, you’re acknowledging that you’re taking an active role in the discipleship process – either through participation in a Life Group, by taking classes, or by personal, spiritual disciplines.

If you’re ready to go, then let’s begin the process.  
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