Welcome, friend!
AYUDH (Amrita Youth for Unity in Diversity for Harmony and Sanskrit for "Peace") is the international youth wing of Embracing the World that aims to empower our communities and ourselves through selfless service. We work closely with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (
https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/post2015/transformingourworld) and hold an annual international Youth Parliament to develop projects towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our initiatives for each year can be found at
The Yale chapter is open to everyone from any stage of life or background and meets to partake in volunteering activities, such as planting trees and serving meals at soup kitchens. We also explore the essence of compassion through discussions, invited speakers, and creative expression.
Learn more at
http://ayudh.org/ or email
ayudhct@gmail.com. Find us on Facebook at