Returning Staff Application
This is an application for someone who has already worked the "Woods" June program previously
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Email address *
Full Name *
Your personal mailing address while at school *
Legal (home) address (address, city, state & zip) *
Cell phone number *
Legally eligible for employment in the United States *
First Half of Summer Positions available- mark as many as you are interested in- descriptions found on our website  May 19th or 21st to July 3rd
Second Half of Summer -  mark as many as you are interested in- July 6th to August 1st. You are not required to work each week. 
High School: 
If enrolled, College and Major: 
Employment History - Current or Last employer *
Employer Name:
Employer Address:
Employer Contact Information: 
Dates of Employment: 
Position or Title:
Name and Title of Supervisor
May we contact?
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Job Duties, Responsibilities, and Important Accomplishments
Camping and Youth Ministry Experience  *
Church Involvement  *
Name and city of church you currently attend:  *
Home Church *
Pastor's Name *
Church Involvement  *
References- Please list references and send them the following link to fill out a reference:

1st Reference Name: Pastor/Elder/Youth or Ministry Leader *
1st Reference Contact information   *
2nd Reference Name *
2nd Reference Contact Information *
3rd Reference Name *
3rd Ref Contact Information *
Narrative Questions - please answer the following questions to help us know where are in your faith. Give a brief few sentences answer. (if you have not worked at Westminster Woods Summer Staff for the Woods program, please fill out a NEW STAFF APPLICATION *
Have any of your core beliefs changed since you filled out an application last year?
How have you grown in your faith since the close of camp?
How has your summer/summers at Westminster Woods impacted your faith in the past?
How do you see yourself impacting others' relationship with Christ throughout the summer? *
Why do you want to serve in this position and why do you think you should be considered to be on Summer Staff? *
List any special skills, training, knowledge, or experience you have for this position:  *
Digital Signature *
Date *
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