Volunteer Hour Rubric 
Please rate each of the following using a scale of 0 to 3 (0=lowest, 3=highest). Write NA if the item does not apply to the volunteer time the students spent under your supervision. 
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Hours: How many hours were volunteered?
Skill or Task 
0-Student did not show responsibility and did not follow instructions
1-Student showed little reponsibilty and followed some instructions
2-Student did as instructed-no more, no less
3-Student took initiative to do more than what was assigned
Demonstrates Responsibility
Skill or Task 
0-Student did not follow through tasks and assignment were not correct
1-STudent completed some of the tasks and assignment had some accuracy.
2-Student completed tasks and assignments were fairly accurate
3-Student not only completed tasks, but the assignment's accuracy was impeccable
Demonstrates Completion and Accuracy
Skill or Task 
0-Student did not work well with others and was not professional
1-Student did work with others with minimal effort and professionalism was questionable.
2-Student worked with others and demonstrated professional manners.
3-Student initiated working with others and demonstrated leadership in a professional manner.
Demonstrated Ability to Work with Others in a Professional Manner
Skill or Task 
0-Student did not use time efficiently or effectively in order to complete their tasks. No decision-making skills.
1-Student attempted to use time effectively, but still managed to waste time and demonstrated poor decision making skills.
2-Student managed time effectively and modeled some decision making skills.
3-Students managed time effectively and efficiently as well as demonstrated proficient decision making skills.
Demonstrated Time Management and Decision-Making Skills
Skill or Task 
0-Student did not communicate with others and did not accept feedback.
1-Student communicated minimally with others and accepted some feedback.
2-Student communicated with others and followed feedback.
3-Student initiated communication with others and requests feedback.
Demonstrated Effective Communication And Accepts Feedback
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