Deeping Our Relationship with the Spirituality of Fundraising   March 7, 2024
The ELCA Christian Community and Leadership Team in partnership with Congregation and Synod Mission Support Team invites Mission Developers and New Ministries leaders to a one day online empowerment event.  11am to 4pmET/10am to 3pmCT/9am to 2pmMT/8am to 1pmPT

Designed to expand our courage and pastoral leadership for expanding partnerships, cultivating donors and funding your ministry, this day is packed with insightful exercises and engagement activities.  Bring a team from your ministry setting!  Seats are limited, so register promptly to reserve seats.

By completing this registration form, you will receive follow-up information and the zoom link.

For more information or questions about this event, contact Bonnie Marden at or Tim Brown at  For registration questions, contact Neil Bullock
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Ministry Setting and Needs 
Please provide a brief description of your ministry setting and its current financial status.  
What are your Hopes or Expectations for this day?
Anything else you would like to share with us?
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