Interest Form: Share Advice/Insight with Students
We are seeking alumni to share what they've learned, personally and professionally, since graduating from UNMC. This insight will be shared with students through our social media channels and/or the Connections Project Blog.  

If you are interested in learning more or sharing insight, please complete the form below and someone in the UNMC Alumni Relations Office will be in touch with you within 2 business days. If you have questions, please contact
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First & Last Name: *
Email address: *
Graduation year(s): *
College/program (select all that apply): *
How would you like to share your insight? *
If you opted for video or audio-only, please provide three 20-minute timeframes you're available in the next few weeks for an interview. 
Topic Ideas
After reviewing the list above, please share a few topics you would like to share insight/advice on. Feel free to write in topics or areas of expertise that are not on this list. If you aren't sure, note that below and an alumni relations staff member can brainstorm with you.
UNMC and the Alumni Relations Office value diversity and recognize that many of our alumni hold identities and experiences that are underrepresented in the health science professions. We want to amplify your voice. If you hold any of the following identities and are comfortable sharing your experiences as related to these identities, please indicate that by selecting them below. (Optional).
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