Peer Incident Report Form
If you, your child, or someone you know has been involved in a negative peer interaction, as defined by the ICD Parent and Student Handbook, you may use this form as a way to report what occurred.

This form can be submitted anonymously if you do not include your name. However, please note that anonymous reports may limit staff regarding the extent to which the situation can be addressed.

This form is intended for use by students in 5th-8th grade, and parents/guardians of students in any grade level.

Once this form has been submitted, members of the ICD administration will be notified and will work to address the reported incident.
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First and last name of student(s) you are concerned about:
Grade Level(s) of Student(s):
Date of Incident:
What did you see or hear?
When did you see or hear it? (Time of day)
Where did you see or hear it? (Certain classroom, hallway, cafe, playground, etc.)
How many times have you seen or heard this before directed at the same person?
Name of the alleged aggressor(s) and grade level(s)
Name of any witness(es) and grade level(s) (optional)
Your name (optional)
Contact information (optional)
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