UIC Barcelona Welcome Session
Confirmation of attendance

Form addressed to 2nd Semester students:

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Last name *
Home University *
Faculty *
email *
Mobile number *
Privacy Statement *
In compliance with the LOPD 15/1999 and the LSSI- CE 34/2002, we inform the person concerned that all personal information provided, such as the electronic address, and all the other details considered necessary for the formalization, administrative management, queries resolution that may arise, and the implementation and development of the academic relationship that the person has with the International University of Catalonia Private Foundation (hereinafter Barcelona UIC) will be incorporated into an automated file whose ownership and responsibility corresponds to UIC Barcelona. The person concerned can exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of their data to the address datos@uic.es, or through a letter addressed to the International University of Catalonia (Immaculada, 22 08017 Barcelona)
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