Have the police seized your property?
The Statewide Poverty Action Network is fighting for a future where we can get help without being made a suspect because of our race or where we come from.

But, in Washington state, police are legally authorized to take any valuable property that they suspect to be linked to a drug-related crime, even if nobody is charged (RCW 69.50.505). The owner must then go through a complex process to have their belongings returned. Each year, police departments in Washington state keep millions of dollars in revenue from seized property, creating a profit incentive for police officers.

We know this practice is ineffective in preventing harm and protecting our communities, but WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU as we make the case against police property seizure.

Please contact info@povertyaction.org with any questions about this campaign.

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Have you or someone you know had their belongings taken by police in Washington state? Have you intentionally left valuables behind in a safe place if you knew you might be in police presence?
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