All Request Information
Please fill out the following questions to be considered for the Summer 2022 Edition of the Tabletop Simulator Playtesting Promotion blog feature
Email *
This will be used for verification, authentication, and communication purposes only and will not be published unless otherwise specified or at your explicit request
Game and Playtesting Info
Game Name *
Dates for Playtesting *
Mod Status *
If your Mod is a WIP please indicate the estimated date of your digital debut
Dates of Upcoming Events- i.e. kickstarter launch, game launch, updates, etc.
Game Type (rpg, strategy game, war game, card game, etc.) *
Game Theme *
Game examples:  fantasy, animal, food, drink, space, history, etc. -- use n/a if not applicable to feature request
Give us a brief description of your game (the rules, the theme, the mechanics, etc.) *
What have been some of the largest outside influences on this game/ your overall board game design & development process?
i.e. family, identity, culture, a favorite book, a favorite movie, memory, etc.
Number of Players *
Time of Play *
please indicate if its total game play time or time per player
Target Age Range
i.e. 12+ , adults, etc.
TTS Mod Link *
If not ready please note that
Website Link *
Playtest or Demo Sign Up Sheets (if applicable)
Links To Images- Include all pictures you would like to be included. Otherwise all images will be taken from your mod.
Other Descriptions and Links
Feel free to describe any other aspect of your game that you would like us to highlight in the article.
Social Media
Please include all relevant social profiles you want included in the promotion
Please check off all social media platforms you would like included in the bulletin *
Twitter Handle and Link to Account
*if checked off above- format example=@TabletopSim,
Instagram Handle and Link to Account
*if checked off above- format example= @tabletop_simulator, 
Facebook Handle and Link to Account
*if checked off above- format example=@tabletopsimulator ,
YouTube Handle and Link to Account
*if checked off above- format example=BerserkGames ,
Reddit Profile and Link to Account
*if checked off above- format example=r/tabletopsimulator,
Discord Profile and Link to Account
*if checked off above- format example=Official Tabletop Simulator,
Kickstarter Link
If you have one
Any Other Platforms, List All Here with Links to Each
Personnel, Rights, & Releases
Your Name & Position   *
This will be used for verification, authentication, and communication purposes only and will not be published unless otherwise specified or at your explicit request - this can also be a verifiable user name that is used on the game's official website or social media accounts
Please list the names and positions of all the contributors to creating this game and TTS Mod
if a non game mod just include contributors to the TTS mod
You agree to the images, quotes or any other content submitted through this form, any social media posts pertaining to this article request, or Tabletop Simulator in general to be used, reposted, or promoted by Tabletop Simulator. *
You agree that you are 18 years of age or older at the time of this submission *
Copyright*-You agree that you have rights to all artwork, icons, etc. used in this game *
Copyright rules shall be respected. Designers need to have full legal right over the games and all aspects and components used in the mods profiled in this article. Games should not contain artwork or characters that are protected by copyright or trademark without permission from the owner. Games may include content protected by Creative Commons or Copyleft licenses so long as the rules regarding redistribution and derivative works are followed. Artwork or characters in the public domain are of course allowed.
If you answered no above, please specify
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