Madison Community Chorus
Thank you for your interest in singing with the Madison Community Chorus.
We would love to have you sing with us!
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Welcome to the Madison Community Chorus

This form is a good way for us to get acquainted, so thank you for taking a few minutes to answer a couple of basic questions, much appreciated!

You can use this form to sign-up to attend Madison Community Chorus Welcome Nights (starting Monday, Sept. 16 through October--see our website for more details) or if you've already decided to join, WONDERFUL, you can register here to join as well!

Here are some helpful links:
Maestro Productions' website:

If you have any questions prior to the first Welcome Night rehearsal, please email:

Looking forward to having you sing with us!


Mark Bloedow
Executive Director, Maestro Productions, Inc.
Artistic Director, Madison Community Chorus & Ringing Badgers Handbell Ensemble
First and Last Name
Your home city
Preferred email address
Preferred phone number (voice/text). If text is not an option, please note.
If known, what is your primary preferred voice part(s)? Check one or more if applicable.
In general, do you have any preferred type(s) of choral music you enjoy learning and singing?
Are you available for rehearsals on Monday evenings (6:30pm for alternating sectionals as scheduled, and 7 to 8:30/9pm for full rehearsal with everyone)?
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Please check your availability for weekend performance?
If offered in the future, do you have any interest in a choir that would rehearse during the day (for example during the mornings or afternoons)?
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How did you find out about the Madison Community Chorus? Check as many as applicable.
Please add any additional questions or comments here, thanks!
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