Language classes to build your confidence | Enrolment form
Enrol to attend Auslan, French, Japanese, Italian or Indonesian classes on Thursdays (always 4:30-5:30pm online): 27th July, 10th August, 24th August, 7th Sept, 12th October, 26th October, 9th November, 23rd November, 7th December
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
Have you been asked by your Principal to teach a language but don’t feel confident with your language skills? Are you a teacher who has started teaching languages in a TCL program? Have you spoken a dialect all your life but don’t feel confident with the standard form of your language?
Name *
School *
School Diocese *
Primary or Secondary *
I am a *
I teach *
I would especially like to *
Anything you would like to tell us?
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