Student Digital Equity Survey & Transportation Request Form 2023-2024
A Student Digital Equity Survey is required by the state for every student.

The 2023-2024 Bus Transportation Form will follow the Digital Equity Survey if transportation is needed.

This MUST be filled out for each individual student separately. 
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Email *
Please fill in the following information based on how you use electronic devices to complete schoolwork at your home.  This survey uses the primary address you provide as your “home.” You should answer the questions below based only on the conditions at this address. There is an opportunity at the end of the survey to say more about additional places you live and do homework.
Student Information:  This MUST be filled out for each individual student separately.
Student First Name: *
Student Last Name: *
Birthdate: *
Grade for 2023-2024 school year: *
Digital Device Access
Does this student use an electronic device like a computer, tablet or smart phone to complete homework? *
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