St John the Evangelist Catholic School                                                      Aubert Teams Google Meet Acceptance Agreement.
We are very fortunate to be able to access the Google Meet tool for learning.  This means that we must ensure that we have a shared understanding of how to formally interact with each other virtually.   Google Meet is another digital tool for learning to be able to communicate with each other effectively and will not be used for social media reasons at any time throughout the year.  

Our Google Meet agreement is a Google form that outlines our expectations of etiquettes or protocols around how we behave virtually with each other.  It is expected that all students will on Google Form unpack, read and accept this formal agreement to act responsibly and respectfully on Google Meet before using it.   Keeping it formal when we are in a school setting which is now Distance Learning from our homes.

Once submitted your email address will be your signature.

Email *
Date *
During our informal connecting sessions and beginning of workshops I will:

1. enter Google meet within 10 minutes before the formal meet.

2. greet everyone respectfully

3. make sure one person is speaking at one time

4. Listen carefully to each other

5. respond respectfully and appropriately to each other

6. wait my turn.

7. stop social chat when our formal connecting session begins

Declaration of Acceptance of Informal Connecting Sessions and beginning of workshops *
During our formal connecting session and workshops I will:
1.   show up at the correct time & stay in the Meet for the entire time

2. find a quiet place away from distractions such as siblings, TV, pets, etc.

3. mute my microphone until I am called upon to speak

4. if called upon to speak, unmute my microphone, so others can hear me

5. put my question in the chat during the meeting to be answered at the end

6. keep the sidebar chat on topic

7. write the name of the person I am responding to before responding to their question on chat

8. use the thumbs icon to show my understanding

9. use the hand up icon when responding to a question or when asked to share my view

10. follow statements 2 to 6 from the informal connecting session agreement

11. Refrain from chewing gum or eating food in front of the camera

12. Dress appropriately in front of the camera

13. be respectful, faithful, use self-control, manage self and responsible during our meet.

Declaration of Acceptance of Formal Connecting Sessions and Workshops *
When exiting our connecting sessions and workshops
1.   I may stay on for 5 more minutes to say goodbye to everyone.

2. I can use the Chat sidebar to say goodbye

3. I will exit the meeting when our Learning Coaches tell us to exit.

4. I will not attempt to Google meet with anyone from our Learning community.

Declaration of Acceptance of exiting our connecting sessions and workshop. *
Clear form
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