Health declaration Any Allergies? (Please list any allergies you have (including cosmetics/ingredients) *
Are you allergic to any bonding agents or have any reaction to adhesive tape, eyelash removal creams, or any topical products? *
Asthma or ANY respiratory (breathing) problems? *
Currently on any Medication or Supplements? *
Do you wear contact lenses during the procedure? (If yes, do note that it may cause redness/irritation to your eyes) *
I understand that make up must be removed during the procedure of Eyelash Extensions or Eyebrow Embroidery *
Have you had any major surgery, injection, laser, dental, chemotherapy, or peeling within this 3 months? *
I agree to receive beauty services (Eyelash Extensions/Lash Lift/Lash regrowth/Eyebrow Embroidery) from Lashes On Fleek Singapore. *
I agree that the information provided on this form is accurate and complete to the best of knowledge, and that My Artist at Lashes On Fleek Singapore is not responsible for any complications or problems arising from any incorrect or omitted information. *
I agree that My Artist at Lashes On Fleek Singapore does not practice medicine, does not accept health insurance or any claims, and have made no representation to the contrary. *
I agree that this procedure is an art and science, there may be certain amount of discomfort or pain associated with the procedure and that other possible adverse side effects may include: minor and temporary redness, bleeding, bruising, discoloration and/or swelling (for eyebrow embroidery) minor and temporary redness, swelling, teary eyes, stinging (for eyelash extensions/lash lift). Each individual results may vary and frequent touch up may be required. *
I agree that all individual may vary, some may experience no complications, some may experience complications which may last for hours or days. However extreme complications are always possible and I, the client, need to visit the doctor for treatment and I accept this risks and agree to hold all individual harmless for same *
I agree that the procedure can only be carried out after 3 months of any invasive surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, injection, lasilk, dental procedure, Botox, fillers, MTS, peeling, laser or micro-needling, lash lifted lashes. *
I agree that I the client, need to follow the aftercare treatment advised by My Artist at Lashes On Fleek Singapore *
I agree that My Artist at Lashes On Fleek Singapore to use the information provided above solely to asses my suitability for the proposed service stated above. *
I agree to allow My Artist at Lashes On Fleek Singapore to take before and after photos and/or videos for records and/or marketing purposes *
I agree that the service and/or products prices are subject to change and refunds and compensations are not allowed. *
I agree that there will not be any refunds or free services (removals or touch ups) if I, the client would to change my mind. I will check My Artist at Lashes On Fleek Singapore's work before leaving the premises as any changes after I leave will be charged at the price stated on Lashes On Fleek Singapore service menu. *