2024 Volunteer Interest Form 
The inaugural Nossrat Yassini Poetry Festival is taking place April 12-14, 2024 at UNH Durham. The Festival would not be possible without our dedicated, phenomenal volunteers. 

As a volunteer, you'll get behind-the-scenes access to the Festival, arts admin experience, a limited edition t-shirt, snacks, and a chance to meet poets and poetry lovers. We'll make sure you have plenty of time to attend events and have a good time, too! 

We'll reach out in the coming weeks to confirm your spot and provide more details. Thank you for your support. We couldn't do it without you!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Phone number *
Do you require accessibility accommodations?
When are you available? *
Do you have a time preference?  *
Which areas of the Festival are you most interested in volunteering for? (more specific role descriptions coming soon!) *

Are you interested in leading a small group of volunteers? We’re looking for volunteer team captains! They will be assigned a venue and serve as the point-person for volunteers.


I am interested in helping with Festival planning and lead up.

If you were to help with set up/breakdown, are you comfortable lifting tables, chairs, boxes, etc? *
Are you volunteering as a group? Let us know so we can plan you to volunteer together
Free space! Is there anything else you want us to know?
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