Rachel's House Sign in
Yes! I'd like to help serve dinner at Rachel's House! You can sign up to cook and or serve food at the form below. See Sara Anderson for more details--call or text 857-222-0017 or email KCC4RH@gmail.com. Sara will get an email when you fill out this form.
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Yes, I'd like to provide a meal for the women of Rachel's House on: *
Preparing the Meal
Each menu is planned around a main dish, but we always need similar side dishes. The descriptions below are generic, Sara may send a suggestion that will best fit the planned meal. Each side dish should feed around 8-10 people. Drop off at the church before 4:45. Hot dishes need to be dropped off hot; cold dishes can be left in the fridge marked for Rachel's House. All dishes need to be in a "servable" container.
I want to help cook dinner!
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I want to serve dinner!
Other ways to help
Rachel's House also accepts donations for their night shelter and day center. They especially need sanitary products, twin size cotton bedsheets (new), bath towels (new), travel size shampoo, African American hair products, liquid laundry detergent, hand sanitizer, toothbrushes, hair brushes, razors, and gently used professional clothes, dresses, and shoes (no heels).
I have supplies to donate!
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