NDD United Sign On Letter - Winter 2017
Thanks to your support in 2013 and 2015, NDD United was successful in securing partial and temporary sequestration relief for discretionary programs in fiscal years 2014-2017. In fact, our work and partnership with the Aerospace Industries Association’s “Second to None” campaign was named one of the top 10 lobbying victories of 2013 by The Hill, and baseball hats from our #RaiseTheCaps campaign of 2015 can still be found on display in lawmakers’ offices across Capitol Hill.

Now sequestration is upon us again as the temporary and partial relief of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 expires FY 2017. In the 115th Congress, our unity will be more important than ever as threats to nondefense discretionary programs abound—proposals that if enacted, will reduce domestic spending to levels never before seen. Our best chance to prevent further cuts and have any chance of restoring funding for these programs is to speak with one voice.

And so, we encourage all national, state, and local organizations to sign on to this letter urging Congress to protect NDD programs from further cuts and to end sequestration.

To add your national, state, or local organization's name to the letter please complete the form below.

The letter is available here: http://www.publichealthfunding.org/uploads/NDDUnited2017.SignOnDraft.pdf

For this letter, we will be collecting only signatures from organizations. Please, NO INDIVIDUALS. If you are an individual that would like to participate in our campaign, please contact Tiffany Kaszuba at tkaszuba@dc-crd.com for information about our grassroots activities.
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Your response to this question helps us clean the list of signatures for duplicates and typos by having a member of your community review your submission. So, please use "other" only if you are not a member of any of these communities.
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