Host a virtual RepresentUs event!
RepresentUs is suspending all in-person events indefinitely and we’re encouraging our members to have remote meetings instead. Fill out this form to tell us about your online meeting, and we will publish it on the RepresentUs Events Calendar.

We are only publishing virtual events at this time.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your full name: *
Your phone number *
Your email address *
What is the date of the event? *
What time does the event start? *
What time does the event end? *
What is the link to your meeting space? (Google Hangouts has recently expanded their maximum capacity to 150 participants with 25 video feeds) *
What is the description of the event? *
Do you want RepresentUs to create an RSVP page to be published on our national events calendar? (Requires one week notice from the request date.) *
Are you the point person for the event? If not, please provide their name below:
What is the email and/or phone number of the point person? (Public-facing)
Any other notes to attendees? (Ex. directions, maximum capacity, etc.)
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