Students Call for Peace 

We are students from all over the world who believe in democratic values and freedom, and the right of a nation to defend itself against barbaric attacks, like the one witnessed on October 7, 2023. For this reason, we want to express our solidarity with Israel, the only democratic state in the Middle East, and with all the innocent people who have suffered and are still suffering under the inhumane terror of Hamas. October 7, 2023 leaves a black mark not only on the history of Israel, but on the history of humanity.


In these dark hours, our thoughts are with

  • the people who have so cruelly lost their lives since October 7,
  • the grieving families and friends,

  • the innocent men and women and, especially, children and babies, who are still being held hostage in Gaza,

  • the millions of innocent Palestinians who are themselves suffering under the regime of Hamas, and, 

  • the Israeli soldiers who are sacrificing their own lives at this very moment to defend their country and protect their brothers and sisters.

We condemn

  • the rise of antisemitism and the relativization of terror against Israel, and express in the clearest terms our responsibility and obligation to protect Jewish life from the antisemitic attacks that have increased worldwide since October 7,
  • the rise of any other form of hate speech or incitement that dehumanizes individuals based on their ethnic, religious or racial identity, and,

  • the spread of false information that incites hatred and violence not only against the state of Israel and Jewish life, but also against innocent civilians in Gaza.

We are concerned about our future and the future of our children. We firmly believe that every human being deserves to grow up and live in a peaceful world without terror and hatred. 

As we hope for better times, we cannot and will not remain silent. These commitments are more than just words; they are a promise to ourselves and to future generations. We will not stand by silently as history repeats itself and we will not remain indifferent to evil.

We hereby encourage everyone to raise their voices against the cruel attacks by Hamas, and to stand up against the increasing attacks on Jews worldwide

We are calling on all universities around the world to take a stand against antisemitism, hatred, and incitement on their campuses, and to step up to protect their Jewish students.

We call on the United Nations and the International Red Cross to work for the immediate release of the innocent hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza. 

If you are a student and agree, use your voice and sign this letter to stand up against terror and hate. 

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(Please note that we will verify signatures to ensure the authenticity of this petition. We kindly ask that only students participate. By signing this letter, you agree to be added to the list of signatories and that this letter will be published. Thank you!)
Please write your institution
(e.g. University of Cambridge)  


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Edvin Gobanyi, Tel Aviv University
Benny Attar, Tel Aviv University, Columbia University 
Lam Ho, Columbia University 
Ben Bright, Tel Aviv University 
Maria Heusch, Tel Aviv University
Stefanie M. Schulz, Tel Aviv University
Lukas Heusch, Universität Bonn
Mark Nudelmann, Internationale Hochschule 
Esther Belgorodski, University of Bremen 
Naomi Tamir, Heinrich-Heine-Universität 
Frank Rich, Tel Aviv University
Sofia Tereschenko, HHU Universität Düsseldorf
Alina Vichnevski, University of Applied Sciences Hamburg 
Nika Magas, Bergische Universität Wuppertal 
Susanne Fadlalla, University of Lübeck 
Leonie Drobik, Tel Aviv University 
Nicole Pastuhoff, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Rahel Conen, Freie Universität Berlin
Isabella Schiffer, University of Bonn 
Alexander Tsyterer, Technische Universität Chemnitz
Mark Gurevych, TU Chemnitz
Solomon Lev Gusiev, University of Applied Sciences Leipzig
Benjamin Palej, University of Potsdam
Anastasiya Moroz, Technische Universität Dortmund 
Zofia Sznajder, University of Warsaw
Tamar Ford, Tel Aviv University 
Antonia Grosser, Bucerius Law School
Jessa Yifrach, Tel Aviv University 
Sabrina Soffer, George Washington University
Nina Belalova, Tel Aviv University 
Noa Cohen Tel Aviv University 
Wiktoria Dzioba, University of Warsaw
Lilla Szilágyi, Eötvös Loránd University 
Isaac Grand, School of Oriental and African Studies - University of London
Katharina Sassenrath, Georg August Universität Göttingen
Lucrezia Naronte, Bocconi University
Stephen Eliau, Tel Aviv University (Alumni)
Lisa-Marie Stahl, Universität zu Köln
Lea Gasser, University of Basel
Beatrice Di Matteo, Bocconi University (Milan)
Leonie Sauter, Universität Wien
Julius Ohletz, Bucerius Law School Hamburg
Sonija Ashkinezer, Tel Aviv University
George Unikyan, University of Melbourne
Daniel Heidemann, Heidelberg University
Tal Hermon, Hebrew University
Evangelia Akritidou, Tel Aviv University
Chen Zhao, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Ana Vinovezky, Tel Aviv University
Skaiste Budbergyte Zabielaite, Tel Aviv University (Alumni)
Zoe Fried, Deakin University
Michelle Menache, Tel Aviv University (Alumni)
Vinícius Santos, UNIVASF

Julius Päßler, Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln
Elena Pesina, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Rina Poran, Tel Aviv University
Leonie Schwarz, Leiden University
Felipe Quinteros, Universidad Diego Portales
Tal Zadok, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Judah Lazar Gross, Rutgers University
Juliana Gordon, Tel Aviv University, University of Michigan
Kym Bennett, University of San Diego Law School
Shay Poppers, Rutgers University
Sonia Agougou, University of Ottawa
Yinka Adegboye, Tel Aviv University (Alumni)
Alina Schwieger, HS Düsseldorf
Daniela Gäng-Pacifico, Fribourg University
Elaina Delore, Tel Aviv University
Shira Levi Dinur, Tel Aviv University
Ksenia Kirillova, Tel Aviv University
Laila Wenzlaff, Universität Heidelberg
Lionel Reich, 
Tel Aviv University (Alumni) 
Madeleine Butcher, Tel Aviv University
Marcel Bretschneider, Universität Heidelberg
Kim Faulhaber, Tel Aviv University (Alumni)
Tamar Alexander, University of Amsterdam
Johannes von Sydow, ESCP Business School 
Alexander Wahlen, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln
Alex Blecker, Tel Aviv University
Adrien Ludot, Humboldt Universität 
Samuel Metzger, University of Michigan
Nechama Huba, Columbia University
Nessia Hausman, Loyola Marymount University
Elizabeth Gaer-Leví, University of Washington
Eliana Smooha, New York University
Ariana Godles, University at Albany, SUNY
Gabriella Kam, Baruch College
Lauren Edelman, Binghamton University
Joely Simon, Northwestern University (Alumni) TAU Abroad Program (Alumni)
Yaakov Huba, New York University
Karly Gordon, Tel Aviv University
Julia Imershein, University of Michigan
Sammy Tweedt, Sarah Lawrence College
Taylor Gray, University of Florida
Erin Greenberg, Tel Aviv University, University of Michigan
Leela Kalow, Tel Aviv University (Alumni)
Ricky Ostrofsky, Florida State University, Tel Aviv University
Zachary Peltz, University of Michigan
Joshua Levin, Muhlenberg College
Yonaton Rose, DePauw University
Sara Stein, Arcadia University
Jillian Silverman, University of Maryland
Ari Perkins, University of Miami
Danielle Cohen, Reichman University 
Ava Meltzer, University of Maryland
Giovanna Melo, Tel Aviv University
Maya Shalev, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem 
Alexi Korotkin, University of Maryland
Ethan Chazbani, Florida Atlantic University (Alumni)  
Bella Raoli, Tulane University
Supratim Ghosh, BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus
Rachel Greenspan, University of Illinois at Chicago (Alumni) and Tel Aviv University (Alumni)
Kayla Goldberger, Tel Aviv University 
Maja Denisova, Technical University of Berlin
Fanny Rouah-Baron, University IED paris 8
Sofia Atalla, Tel Aviv University, Columbia University 
Maria Katzendorn, Tel Aviv University 
Sharon Murow, Tel Aviv University 
Christopher Caporicci , Tel Aviv University 
Lena Schüller, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Oceane Maher, University of Texas
Yonatan Morozov, Columbia University 
Steve De Santiago Molina, Tel Aviv University
Francesco Andrea Rossi, University of Geneva 
Sebastian Zacharias Andersen, Malaga University
Rafael Sabit, Vilnius University
Yana Lazurenko, Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance
Julia Siebenhirter, Central European University 
Josef Schröttle, Alumni Tel Aviv University
Joshua Roy Sebastian Damanik, Universitas Airlangga
Gabriela Berenholc, Tel Aviv University and Columbia University 
Leah Stern, Tel Aviv University International (Alumni)
Rafael Reyes, Tel Aviv University
Itamar Harel, Tel Aviv University
Inbal Aharonovitch, Tel Aviv University 
Elvin Khasiyev, Tel Aviv University 
Dana Cohen, University of Wisconsin Madison 
Annika Hauser, Tel Aviv University 
Alana Goldman, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 
Maya Lerner, Cornell University 
Estelle Forman, Tel Aviv University,  Shenkar, UCL (Alumni) 
Noa Fridman, Academy of Bezalel
Lilian Wunschik, University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf
Jade Serfaty, University College London
Sasha Kudriashov, Tel Aviv University
Pranav Gupta, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology
Karen Sultanik, Tel Aviv University, London School of Economics (LSE)
Andrew Ebrani, Binghamton University
Ilana Sebag, Dauphine PSL University
Anna Toledano, HEC Paris
Jack Scher, Tel Aviv University
Ilan Bass, Tel Aviv University

Taisiya Ilizarova, Tel Aviv University
Lindsey Finkelstein, University of McGill (Alumni)
Anna Wolf, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

Suzana Abuleac Steinberg, Tel Aviv University
Ava Bauer, University of Leeds

Sonia Perry, New York Institute of Technology 
Alexa Rappoport, Muhlenberg College
Hana Feig, Muhlenberg College
Orly Raibstein-Gershuny, Tel Aviv University (Alumni)
Ora Silberzweig, Muhlenberg College 

Leah Kressel, Muhlenberg College
Sam Nulman, Muhlenberg College

Larry French, Tel Aviv University
Yael Yaffe, Tel Aviv University

Josefine Niroomand, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Shanie Landen, UC Davis
Mini Sharma, Ariel University
Manu Kumar, Ariel University
Roshlin Kiruba, Ariel university
Benjamin Yang, Ariel University
Bisi Ogunwale, Ariel University
Subha Ranjan Das, Ariel University
Aanchal Choudhary, Ariel University
Arun Ramachandra Kurup, Ariel University
Vasily Shishkov, Ariel University
Kartik Panda, Ariel University
Roman Kislov, 1. Ariel University; 2. IZMIRAN (Troitsk, Moscow)
Chandradip Jadhav, Ariel University
Shreyasi Mitra, Ariel University
Natalia Zemliana, Ariel University
Bhuwan Bhaskar, Ariel University
Ruslan Abramchuk, Ariel University
Marina Rumenskikh, IZMIRAN

James Ebenezer, Ariel University
Jayesh Bhanushali, Ariel University 

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