Nominate someone for Trustworthy ML Initiative Twitter Highlight Series!
As a part of our initiative (, we have a Twitter highlight series to showcase individuals working in areas of trustworthy ML. Each Tuesday, we highlight an early career researcher on our Twitter handle @trustworthy_ml. See for an example.

Please help us by nominating someone for this Twitter highlight series. Self-nominations are very welcome!

Data usage: the information you provide below (besides email address) will be used in a publicly available tweet. If this is not a self-nomination, we will confirm the information provided with the nominee if the nomination is accepted. Email if you have any questions.
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Your name *
Name of person you are nominating *
Self nominations are very welcome!
(If known) Email address of person you are nominating
Affiliation(s) of person you are nominating *
Position of person you are nominating *
E.g. Statistics PhD student, Assistant Professor of Information Science
What is the primary research area of the person you are nominating? *
Check any of the following that apply to the person you are nominating:
We will use the material below to write the highlight tweet if the nomination is accepted.
Notable work(s) of person you are nominating *
We suggest providing links to up to 4 papers, and optionally a one line summary for each paper, e.g. on its contributions, where it was published, etc. See for an example.
Link to website or online presence of person you are nominating *
(If available) Link to Google Scholar of person you are nominating
(If available) Twitter handle of person you are nominating
If this is a self-nomination, please provide more info below.
(If self-nomination) Link to picture you want us to use in the tweet, if the nomination is accepted
E.g. link to your website with picture. Or, upload a picture to a file sharing service and provide the link here. Please double check that the link is accessible.
(If self-nomination) Anything else you would like included in the tweet, if the nomination is accepted?
E.g. if you are on the job market this year, we can include a note about that. You can also include a brief bio, which we may edit for brevity.
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