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RevolutionUC Hackathon 2025 Sponsor Interest Form
π Thank you for your interest in becoming a sponsor Β for RevolutionUC Hackathon 2025!Β
π Please fill out this form to indicate interest and we will get back to you. π
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* Indicates required question
Primary Contact Name
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Email Address
Your answer
Interested Organization
Your answer
What level of sponsorship are you interested in?
< $1000
$1000 - $3000
$3000 - $5000
$5000 - $8000
$8000 -$10000
What are your primary goals as sponsor?
Recruit Top Talent
Build Brand Loyalty
Promote Specific Products or Services
Gain Fresh Perspectives on Business Challenges
Gather Insights on Emerging Technologies
Engage with Local Community
Support Diversity and Inclusion in Tech
Support innovation and education in tech
Demonstrate corporate social responsibility
Foster relationships with emerging tech communities
Teach Specific Skills to Emerging Talent
Are you interested in sponsoring any of these side events?
Prize Category (Set a specific challenge for hackers. Outsource your most pressing issues to over 300 of the brightest young minds)
Capture The Flag
Coding Escape Room
Fun/Networking Event
Do you have any specific expectations and goals as a sponsor at RevolutionUC Hackathon 2025 that you want us to know?
Your answer
Please provide any additional information or comments you would like us to consider.
Your answer
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