Apply for the EaaS Innovation Showcase Award!
Enter your "As a service" company and project information below for the chance to be showcased throughout the SET Alliance’s influential global network. Resources for marketing material will be provided.

All qualified projects (those that comply with the SET principles below) will be featured on the website’s "news" page in an article brief. The top three positions will be invited to showcase their projects at a variety of SET events (including webinars). In addition, for the first prize winner, BASE will finance the production of a Case Study about the project to be shared within networks.

Applications for the EaaS Innovation Showcase Award is open for projects implemented in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and North America.

The winning project (which comply with the SET principles below) will be featured on the website’s "case studies" page.

The projects must embed the key features of an EaaS model, namely:

1. The solution provider owns, maintains and operates the asset/infrastructure.
2. The EaaS service is sold per unit of output delivered, or with a similar price structure, generating value to the customer through output and not asset ownership.
3. Ownership of the equipment is not transferred to the client during the duration of the project.
4. The projects entail a service contract rather than a lease. It is accounted for as an off-balance rather than an on-balance expenditure for the user.
5. Ideally, the costs of relevant utility bills (e.g. electricity, water) are paid by the solution provider, who therefore has an incentive to optimise efficiency performance.
6. Users can exit the contract before it ends, without having to pay the full cost of the equipment.
7. The technology used must be energy-efficient and generate savings.
8. If the asset delivers cooling, the technology must use low Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerants or natural refrigerants.

Solutions for the prize may include cooling, heating, lighting, energy storage, solar PV, E-mobility, or a combination of the latter. If your company delivers other systems under an EaaS model, we invite you to still send your application and our teams will revert to you with a feedback.
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Name of applicant *
Position of applicant
E-mail address of applicant
Company name
Company website
List other online presence (e.g. URLs of YouTube, Vimeo or any other videos)
Title for project (catchy if possible). Max 15 words.
Brief overall project description. Include the customer's requirements, the solution offered, and the benefits the solution generated. (max 200 words)
Does your company (being the solution provider) own, maintain and operate the asset / infrastructure?
Is the EaaS service sold per unit of output, or with a similar price structure (example for cooling systems: per unit of cooling delivered)*
Does the ownership of the equipment always stay with the provider or investor (no transfer of ownership to the client?)
Does the project entail a service contract rather than a lease? I.e is the contract accounted as an off-balance-sheet rather than an on-balance-sheet expenditure for the user?
Are the costs of relevant utility bills (e.g. electricity, water) paid by the solution provider, who therefore has an incentive to optimise efficiency performance?
Can users exit the contract before it ends, without having to pay the full cost of the equipment?
Is the technology energy-efficient and does it generate significant energy savings?
If your company deploys a cooling solution, does the technology use low-GWP or natural refrigerants?
Clear selection
Project sector (industrial, commercial, education buildings, healthcare, cold storage, other).
Please describe any social impact, if applicable (ex. healthcare, education, reduction of food waste, access to vaccines, etc.)
Name and short description of customer
Is the project a retrofit or a new project/building?
Status of the proposed project?
Size of the project in in kW (or TR for cooling) or other if applicable
Approximate investment size of the project in USD (Including installation)
What technology is being used? (Max 30 words)
For cooling systems, include which refrigerant is being used
If available, please share the plant efficiency of the system and how this is measured
If available, please share the annual reduction in energy consumption stablished by the project (kWh/year)
If available, please share the annual reduction in CO2 emissions established by the project (tCO2/year)
If applicable, please name the investor(s) partner(s) in the project, and their respective % ownership.
Please provide us with any links or other information about the project, if available.
Do you have pictures from the project?
Additional comments
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