Career Exploration: one-on-one advice
If you seeking college or career advice from professionals working in the industries in your area of interest, please complete the short survey below so we can match you with a volunteer. And if you are a working professional able share expertise, please complete the areas relevant to you. Communication and connections will be made primarily over email or virtually.

Please note, when you sign up for an experience like this, you are making a commitment to fulfill it. Please only sign up if you have the time to connect with your mentor or mentee in the near future.
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Email *
First and Last Name *
What year and AH site did you graduate from? *
What level of education are you currently in? *
If you are in college or graduated from college, please include your college and graduation year.
If you are a working professional, what company/organization are you working for?
Area(s) of interest *
What in particular about the above industries are you interested in? *
What support are you looking for? *
What are your passions, interests, or hobbies? *
What do you want to get out of this experience? *
What is your LinkedIn URL?  
Best phone number to reach you *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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