Partners In Medicine Membership Form
Partners in Medicine (PIM) is a group dedicated to supporting the significant others of University of Utah (and surrounding) physician interns/residents, fellows, and attendings.  We provide a support group to families who are in this transitional stage in life.

Becoming a PIM member will provide you access to a copy of the PIM monthly newsletter with detailed monthly events you can attend and various other PIM updates. Every activity we offer is free to current PIM members - your membership fee is a small investment to a year full of amazing activities and events. We are excited for you to have the opportunity to meet people going through similar life experiences in this amazing group!

All significant others of physicians (interns/residents, fellows, attendings) associated with the University of Utah are eligible for PIM membership. Annual membership dues are $30 for members whose significant other is still in training (interns/residents, fellows) and $60 for attending partners. Membership runs annually from July to June.

Please pay your PIM membership dues by August 31st to continue to receive the newsletter if you are a prior-year member. If you are joining after August 31st, you are still welcome to join at any time! We will send a welcome email to new members within a few days of you submitting this form.

Annual PIM dues reminders will be sent out yearly in the July newsletter, and you are expected to fill out this form yearly if you wish to continue your membership for the next year

If you have any questions, please email

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Are you a New Member or Continuing Member? *
Cell Phone *
Ex. xxx-xxx-xxxx
Would you like to be added to our GroupMe?
If yes, we will use the cell phone number you provided in the previous question to add you to the PIM GroupMe. GroupMe is a mobile group messaging app.
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Utah Address
You may leave this blank if you do not have housing in Utah yet.
Year Arrived in Current Utah Medicine Program *
Anticipated Year of Current Utah Medicine Program Completion *
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