Food Drive Information 2024
Thank you for your interest in helping to feed the hungry in Hamilton County! Every 1.2 pounds of food that is donated equals ONE MEAL. No amount is too small, and we can help you with the process every step of the way.

To host a food drive, please enter your information below. We will be in touch to provide more information.

 To learn more about how a food drive at your business, group, church, or family could work with Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank, refer to the Food Drive Help Kit on the website.  

Follow HCH Food Bank on Facebook or Instagram to see how we are Working Together WITH YOU to Feed Hamilton County!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name of Your Company, Organization, Group, Family, Etc. *
Name of Contact Individual we will be working with
Email Address *
Please list the email address for the person who is best to communicate with about the details of the food drive.  
Street Address *
Please give the address of where the Food Drive will be held.
Suite #, Office #, Apt. #
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone Number with Area Code *
Please provide the phone number of the individual we will be working with on the food drive.  
We want to help promote your food drive! Are you willing to share pictures or flyers with us to share on social media and in our publications? *
With your consent, our volunteers will take a picture of you and your group to share on Facebook when you deliver your food or we pick it up. Please share any of your pictures or flyers with and Subject line - Facebook.
What day will your food drive start?   *
What day will your food drive end? *
Barrel Delivery - Will your organization be able to pick up the barrels or do you want them delivered? *
The Food Bank is open Tuesday and Thursday mornings between 9am - 12 pm for barrel pickup. Our address is 1605 N. 10th Street, Noblesville.
If you would like the barrels delivered to you, what date would you like them delivered?
Our volunteer team is available to make deliveries on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please allow two days for scheduling.
How many barrels would you like delivered for your food drive?  
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Food Delivery - Will you be able to deliver the food TO the Food Bank at 1605 N. 10th St. in Noblesville or do you need us to pick it up? *
If you need the Food Bank to pick up the collected food, what date do you want our volunteers to pick up at your location?
Our volunteer team is available to pick up food on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Are there any other specific instructions for the volunteers that you would like to list here, i.e., special entrance to the building, specific hours, etc.? Before making deliveries or pick-ups at your location, our volunteers will be in contact with the person listed above.
Thank you for doing a food drive to help feed the hungry in Hamilton County!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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