GROUP Registration Form: ESCALA Conocimientos  
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About Practitioner Conocimientos for Serving Latinx Students Series (PCS)
This registration form is for groups completing the modules as a cohort. Individuals not in a team can use the regular registration form found here:

Conocimientos Modules
  • Conocimiento 1 | Gaps Don't Just Happen: The Racialized History of Latinxs in Higher Education 
  • Conocimiento 2 | Developing Your Data Practice to Serve Latinx Students
  • Conocimiento 3 | The Caracol of Becoming: Exploring Your Identities as a Practitioner Serving Latinx Students 
  • Conocimiento 4 | Exposing White Supremacy Culture in Higher Education
  • Conocimiento 5 | Knowing Your Latinx Students: Making Space for Students' Intersectional Identities & Ventajas
  • Conocimiento 6 | Envisioning Latinx Servingness

Registration and Logistics for Completing the Modules
The modules use the Canvas LMS platform and are entirely self-paced.  The exercises will take approximately 2.5-3 hours to complete. The exercises include watching interactive videos with embedded questions and conducting short open ended exercises. To complete the modules,  practitioners will be asked to submit a final reflective assignment that asks you to apply the learning to your own work. Upon completion you will receive a certificate as evidence of your professional development.

How to Complete the Module as a Team
We highly encourage teams of practitioners to create a learning community by watching the videos in the module as a group and/or have group discussions about their final assignment. The activities can be completed in any order and are self-paced, but practitioners can use their team members to stay accountable to complete certain sections by meeting once a week over a month's time, until the module is completed. It should take on average approximately 3 hours to complete all the required assignments and video activities. 

Each practitioner will need to submit their own reflections on the discussion boards and a separate final assignment in order to receive individual certificates of completion. When an individual practitioner completes their required assignments, ESCALA will review their reflective exercises as well as time in the module, and send the practitioner a digital certificate as evidence of their completion of 3 hours of professional development.

Payments and Discounts
We are encouraging collective work in asynchronous spaces and are offering the following opportunities:
  • $400/person for each module
  • $1100/person registration for a package of the first 3 modules ($100 off)
  • $2200/person registration for all 6 modules ($200 0ff)

If you experience any issues or have questions, please contact us at

Institution Name: 
What is the name of your institution or organization? (please write out the full name i.e., "California State University Los Angeles")
Which categor(ies) best describe your institution's current designation?
Check all that apply.
Main Contact Info: 
Please enter your first and last name, and your email.  We will assume you are the main contact for registration, and the responsible party for payment of your team.
Team members: 
Please list the first name, last name, and email of each practitioner you are registering for this module. Please use one row for each practitioner by pressing "enter" after each practitioner. 
How did you hear about the Practitioner Conocimientos for Serving Latinx Students Series (PCS)? *
Check all that apply.
If you checked "A Colleague at My Institution" or "Someone Referred Me", please list the name of that person as we would like to thank them.
Do you have any accessibility concerns with the module's use of Canvas, video and audio? 

Please note these here. If no concerns, please write N/A.
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